Search Results
Epidemiology at the Interface of Science, Policy, and Politics
Evidence-informed public health and the role of epidemiology in policy-making and the policy process
Confluence of Science, Policy, and Politics and the Multisectoral Approach to Zoonoses (June 2017)
Epidemiology: Back to Translation
Session 2 - Data analytics in a pandemic: policy, politics, and partnerships symposium
Epidemiology in Public Policy
EpiCH Seminar Series – Science-policy Interfaces & Challenges in Public Health: The Case of COVID-19
Session 1 - Data analytics in a pandemic: policy, politics, and partnerships symposium
ISSUP Italy: Connecting Research, Policy, and Prevention
Computational Epidemiology and Decision Making at the Time of COVID-19
Introducing Thom van Boeckel
Epidemiology for Public Health: Are We Missing the Boat, part 1/2